Home » It's forever, – in the “Servant of the People” they told the details about the ban on Russian music in Ukraine

It's forever, – in the “Servant of the People” they told the details about the ban on Russian music in Ukraine

by alex

This is forever, – the Servant of the People told details about the ban on Russian music in Ukraine/Collage 24 channels

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has approved a bill to ban Russian music in public places and media. However, a list of people to whom the ban will not apply will be created.

Clear restrictions and exceptions are going to be introduced forever. Yevgenia Kravchuk, MP from the Servant of the People, told Channel 24 about this.

What is this bill about

According to the people's deputy, performers who are citizens of Russia will not have access to either radio or television. They will also not be allowed to tour. The only exceptions can be those people who fall into the so-called “white list”.

These are people who condemned aggression 8 years ago. It does not say about those who remained silent, or “woke up” a month ago. This should be a permanent story.

The NSDC apparatus will deal with the “white” list

According to Evgenia, the maintenance of the list can be reduced to nothing, because in Russia everyone who somehow supports Ukraine is being persecuted. Obviously, no one wants to take risks. Moreover, there are few artists who have spoken out against Russian aggression since the annexation of Crimea and the occupation of Donbass. Perhaps this is Andrei Makarevich and a few other people.

No Kirkorovs and Baskovs

The bill affects music in restaurants and public transport. By the way, Ukrainian radio monitoring demonstrated that radio stations independently filmed songs by Russian performers.

“They themselves understand the irritation caused by the songs of all the Kirkorovs, Baskovs and others, even modern performers,” she said.

Besides, taxi drivers will not be able to turn on their “chanson”.< /strong> Therefore, everyone will listen to their own music on headphones.

YouTube is harder to regulate

The speaker stressed that YouTube, a sharing platform like YouTube, is not easy to regulate.< /strong> This can only be done through appeals and letters to the relevant institutions.

Books will not be imported from Russia

In particular, restrictions will be introduced into Ukraine on the import of printed materials printed in Russia, Belarus and in the temporarily occupied territories. Undoubtedly, books by Ukrainian authors in Russian, published in Ukraine, can be sold and distributed.

Russian-language music by Ukrainian artists is not forbidden

The MP added, that songs of Ukrainian performers written in Russian are not banned . We are talking only about artists from Russia.

The quota for Ukrainian songs has been increased

Now Ukrainian radio and television will have 40 – 45% Ukrainian product. The rest of the songs will be performed in foreign languages.

Eugenia concluded that the innovation was adopted not only for the period of active hostilities, but forever. The constitutional majority of people's deputies voted for this decision. p>

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