Home ยป It will be easier for Russians with disabilities to find work

It will be easier for Russians with disabilities to find work

by alex

The Ministry of Labor proposed to change the quota for the employment of people with disabilities in companies by agreement

Photo: Pixabay

The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Russia has presented a bill that expands the range of employment opportunities for people with disabilities. The document was published on the federal portal of draft regulatory legal acts on December 30.

The Ministry of Labor proposed to change the quota for the employment of people with disabilities: if the employer cannot hire such employees under the contract, then it will be possible to fulfill it when employees are employed in any other organization under an agreement with this company. If the latter also has obligations under the quota, then the employed will not be counted towards the fulfillment of the quota of this organization.

It is assumed that employment services will assist them in dealing with people with disabilities, so it will become easier for Russians to find work. In addition, the centers will monitor the implementation of this quota.

It is noted that the quota for the employment of citizens with disabilities is calculated annually for the next calendar year no later than February 1. It is determined based on the average number of employees of the employer. At the same time, this indicator does not include workers whose working conditions, based on the results of a special assessment of working conditions, are called harmful or dangerous.

In addition, public associations of disabled people and organizations created by them will be exempted from observance of the quota. The draft resolution also lists cases of exemption of the employer from fulfilling this condition and specifies the maximum period for hiring people with disabilities in order to fulfill the quota of six months.

Earlier, State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin recalled the laws coming into force in 2022. In particular, starting from the new year, they will begin to assign a disability pension without a declaration.

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