Home » It was a matter of time: how effectively Ukraine shoots down Iranian kamikaze drones

It was a matter of time: how effectively Ukraine shoots down Iranian kamikaze drones

by alex

Russian invaders use Iranian kamikaze drones to attack civilian infrastructure. Ukrainian defenders successfully shoot them down.

This was stated by Yuriy Ignat, spokesman for the command of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, during a briefing, reports Channel 24 . According to him, Iran will also supply Russia with ballistic missiles. This indicates that the infidels lack Iskander-M missiles.

APU successfully land Iranian kamikaze drones

Ignat told , which is conditional over the past 2 weeks, Ukrainian defenders shot down 85% of Iranian Shahed-136 kamikaze drones

It was a matter of time. We have repeatedly noted this,” the speaker added.

He noted that the military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have acquired a certain understanding of how to organize interaction and cover in certain areas, as well as what forces and means to detect and destroy enemy drones.

“Today we have 85% although at the beginning of their use, the damage rate was less,” Ignat said.

According to him, the effectiveness of the destruction of such drones was demonstrated by:

  • aviation,
  • anti-aircraft missile forces and air defense,
  • the use of anti-aircraft installations and heavy machine guns.

“Everything that exists resists this danger. All this will be used until we receive other means and systems of various types and classes that our partners,” the representative added.

He noted that these systems will become effective against kamikaze drones. After all, it is obvious that Russia will continue to receive them from Iran.

Iran will supply Russia with ballistic missiles

Ignat emphasized that international partners should block the supply of Iranian ballistic missiles to Russia.

Against ballistic missiles, the best defense is to destroy them where they stand. Or on the road, as our experts say,” the speaker noted.

He added that a ballistic missile flies at breakneck speed from the stratosphere and falls.

“There is no anti-missile defense in Ukraine yet to effectively counteract this particular weapon. It is likely that Iran will supply it if there are no mechanisms in the world to stop these deliveries,” Ignat said.

According to him, the positive of this news is that Russia has a shortage of Iskander-M ballistic missiles.

“These ballistic weapons are not something new for us. They have been hitting them from the first day. However, the fact that Russia has already there is a shortage of such missiles, this is good news. They wouldn't just ask Iran that way,” the command spokesman summed up. Air Force.

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