Home ยป It is important not to flip through the history textbook: Scholz is concerned about the movement of Russian troops near the border

It is important not to flip through the history textbook: Scholz is concerned about the movement of Russian troops near the border

by alex

He considers the situation unacceptable.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz , who is to take the oath on December 8, is concerned about the movement of Russian troops on the Ukrainian border.

He said this after the signing of the coalition agreement, writes Spiegel Online.

According to him, security and cooperation in Europe provides for the principles that were agreed within the framework of the policy of detente back in the 60s and 70s of the last century. The situation on the border with Ukraine is concerned both in Germany and in Europe and the United States, Scholz emphasized.

“This includes the inviolability of borders. It is very important that no one leafing through history books in order to be able to redraw the borders. Therefore it should be very, very clear that the situation will become unacceptable if there is a threat to Ukraine, “Scholz said.

The future chancellor of Germany noted that such a common position on the actions of the Russian Federation would be expressed by American President Joe Biden during the talks with Vladimir Putin. The meeting in video format will take place on December 7 at 17.00 Kiev time.

As reported, the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) won the elections to the Bundestag – 25.7%. For a coalition, you need to get 368 mandates. The Chancellor's chair will be taken by Social Democrat Olaf Scholz. At the end of November, three political parties entered the Bundestag, agreed to create a coalition and share portfolios.

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