Home » IT expert explains the reasons for the largest disruption in the work of social networks

IT expert explains the reasons for the largest disruption in the work of social networks

by alex

IT expert explains the reasons for the largest disruption in the work of social networks

The social media outage on October 4 was the largest lockdown in their history. Problems for users began at about 18:00 Moscow time, followed by popular portals collapsed. It took more than six hours to restore the services. What was the reason and what the consequences will be, the cyber security expert Pavel Myasoedov told MIR 24 TV channel.

IT expert explains the reasons for the largest disruption in the work of social networks

IT expert explains the reasons for the largest disruption in the work of social networks

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  • IT expert explains the reasons for the largest disruption in the work of social networks

    Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan at the forum in Bishkek for the first time held a cross-border exchange of electronic documents. The goal of the forum is to expand the range of digitalization services and, as a result, to develop the economy. And so that there were no leaks of information from electronic databases, an agency for the protection of personal data was created.

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    IT expert explains the reasons for the largest disruption in the work of social networks

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    IT expert explains the reasons for the largest disruption in the work of social networks

    IT expert explains the reasons for the largest disruption in the work of social networks


    – Experts at Facebook called the reason for the collapse a change in the configuration of the main routers responsible for coordinating network traffic between data centers. What does it mean?

    Pavel Myasoedov: The modern Internet is a very complex mechanism: it is not only a website and a computer from which we log in. This is a large chain that consists of intermediate links. These are all sorts of companies that provide various kinds of services along the way, including companies that are responsible for the address book of the Internet.

    When we drive a certain domain or into the address bar of the browser – the same Facebook, we send a request to intermediate organizations that tell our computer what is behind this address, what IP address. After that, our computer goes to the page that we see on the screen. If something in between fails, the entire system crashes.

    Read more in the video.

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