Home » It became known where abroad Pushkin is most listened to

It became known where abroad Pushkin is most listened to

by alex

It became known where abroad Pushkin is most listened to

The works of the classics of Russian literature are also listened to a lot abroad, according to the Storytel audiobook service, most of the fans of the poet's work live in Turkey, Mexico and Sweden. RIA Novosti writes about this on Sunday.

On June 6, on Pushkin's birthday, the International Day of the Russian Language is celebrated.

Norway and India are among the countries where classic works are loved. However, Storytel noted, Pushkin's popularity in other countries is incomparable with his love for the great poet in his homeland.

In the Russian Federation, his most widely read work remains “Eugene Onegin”, in the world poetic rating this novel in verse is second only to “The Divine Comedy” by Dante Alighieri.

According to the service, the Turkish audience prefers Pushkin's Little Tragedies. Mexicans most often listen to “The Captain's Daughter” and “The Queen of Spades”. Translated into English, Eugene Onegin is a favorite among audiobooks in Sweden, Norway, Finland, Bulgaria and Poland.

Earlier it was reported that during the pandemic, Russians began to buy books on the Internet more often. In addition to purchasing paper editions in online stores, electronic and audio books are also more frequently purchased in the Russian Federation.

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