Home » It became known how many Ukrainians went abroad because of the war

It became known how many Ukrainians went abroad because of the war

by alex

Currently, 50-60% of refugees plan to return to Ukraine.

Because of the war, according to the Supreme Command UN Commissioner for Refugees, there are currently approximately 6.3 million of our citizens abroad.

Deputy Director for Scientific Work of the Institute of Demography and Social Research named after N.V. Ptukha of NASU Alexander Gladun spoke about this.

He says that the departure of our citizens abroad has led to a very large decrease in the population in Ukraine.

“Moreover, about 4.2 million Ukrainians are those who are in EU countries. Approximately 1.3 million are in Russia or Belarus. And about 400 thousand are people those who left Europe for other countries. This is an unflattering picture,” he adds.

Will refugees return to Ukraine

At the same time, not everyone will return to Ukraine. It is now impossible to predict what the percentage of returns will be.

Now many sociological centers and companies are conducting surveys of our migrants upon their return. All surveys follow different methodology, but, as a rule, people are interviewed by telephone. represented in these studies, it is hardly possible,” he added.

Despite this, according to these surveys, now 50-60% of refugees plan to return to Ukraine.

Recall that the demographic situation may worsen significantly in Ukraine after the end of the war. Possible threats include a reduction in the age group of children under 14 years old, a difference in the ratio of women and men.

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