Home » ISS US Segment has problems with the power supply system

ISS US Segment has problems with the power supply system

by alex

On the American segment of the International Space Station (ISS), a power failure occurred, as a result of which part of the equipment was turned off. This follows from the negotiations of the crew with the Earth, broadcast by NASA.

The malfunction occurred outside the segment where the farm is with eight solar panels that generate electricity for its power channel.

In the morning, experts discovered that the battery discharge-charging unit had turned off at the station. Because of this, the power supply to one of the eight channels of the segment was reduced by a third, as a result of which smoke detectors were turned off in the American Unity module, high-speed communication with the Earth and one of the four gyroscopes that maintain the station's orientation in space also do not work on the ship.

At the moment, Russian cosmonauts Sergei Ryzhikov and Sergei Kud-Sverchkov, American astronauts Kathleen Rubins, Michael Hopkins, Victor Glover and Shannon Walker, as well as Japanese Soichi Noguchi are fixing the problem on the ISS.

In August, a crack appeared on the ISS, resulting in a drop in pressure at the station. At the end of September, Roskosmos reported that the leak was found in the Russian Zvezda module, where the scientific equipment is located. Later, NASA said that there were two possible places for air leaks in the Zvezda module. Cosmonaut Ivan Wagner covered up the alleged leak with American plasticine, but the problem was not completely eliminated.

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