Home » Israel says three doses of Pfizer will neutralize the Omicron COVID strain four times worse than Delta

Israel says three doses of Pfizer will neutralize the Omicron COVID strain four times worse than Delta

by alex

Test participants who received only two vaccines did not have the ability to neutralize Omicron at all.

Israel said that three doses of vaccine against COVID-19, developed by the American pharmaceutical company Pfizer in cooperation with the German corporation BioNTech, neutralize Omicron four times worse than Delta.

This is with reference to a study conducted by Sheba Medical Center in collaboration with the Central Virological Laboratory of the Israeli Ministry of Health, reports The Jerusalem Post.

It is noted that 40 employees of the medical center took part in the trial, twenty of whom were revaccinated during last month, and the rest received just two shots five or six months ago.

The researchers found that patients who did not receive the third vaccine did not have any ability to neutralize the new COVID strain, but could fight Delta and even the original strain from Wuhan.

“There is no neutralizing ability. was, and this is very alarming, “- shared the director of the Department of Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases Gili Regev-Yohai, adding that such people may experience a more serious course of the disease.

In this regard, the Israeli Ministry of Health is considering the issue of recommending that people get an additional vaccine three months after the initial course of vaccination.

“People who have received a booster vaccine are better protected than those who received only the second dose, and, of course, more than those who have not been vaccinated.” Israeli specialists. It is known that in Israel, only one person with “Omicron” is in serious condition, he is not vaccinated against coronavirus.

As reported in WHO, a new variant of COVID-19 “Omicron” as of December 7 was recorded on territories of 57 countries of the world . At the same time, according to the Ministry of Health, not a single case of this strain was recorded in Ukraine as of December 9.

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