Home » Israel recalled the U.S. role in a future annexation of the West Bank

Israel recalled the U.S. role in a future annexation of the West Bank

by alex

Benjamin Netanyahu

Further steps to Annex parts of the West Bank of the Jordan river is dependent on the position of the United States. About this role the main ally of the Jewish state reminded the Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu at a meeting of his Likud party, according to the portal News.ru with reference to the local radio station.

“The spread of sovereignty is in Washington, the question was not removed. The white house must support it. It is not removed from the agenda”, — quotes the edition of his words.

Earlier, on 6 July, the head of the Israeli Ministry of foreign Affairs Gabi Ashkenazi said that the annexation of the Palestinian territories postponed. He noted that currently the Ministry is preparing a diplomatic assessment, and the Ministry of defence weighing the risks in the area of security.

July 2, former U.S. President Jimmy Carter criticized the desire of Israel to Annex the West Bank of the Jordan river and called it “illegal land grabbing”.

June 3, Israel began preparing for the operation of the annexation of the West Bank. According to Netanyahu, the country for the first time since the Foundation in 1948, has a unique historic opportunity to assert its sovereignty over Judea and Samaria. Since 1967 in Judea and Samaria on the West Bank of the Jordan river was founded by Israeli settlements. The UN Security Council considers these territories are occupied and Israel is debatable.

Previously such a move Israel called on the United States. According to the plan of the White house Donald trump on the settlement of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is “the deal of the century”, Palestine must be “some increase in size”, and its capital located in East Jerusalem. The Golan heights belong to Israel, and its capital Washington believes Jerusalem.

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