Home » Is Putin ready to put a million Russians in Ukraine and announce mass mobilization

Is Putin ready to put a million Russians in Ukraine and announce mass mobilization

by alex

The Russian army is taking heavy losses on the battlefield in Ukraine. Meanwhile, Vladimir Putin is solving his “important” affairs on the territory of Russia.

This Channel 24 was told by a political scientist, a sociologist from Germany, Igor Eidman. Russian media reported that the dictator was going to Volgograd.

On February 2, Putin plans to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the victory of Soviet troops in the Battle of Stalingrad. About a million people on both sides died in this battle alone during World War II.

Putin is ready to put as many people as he wants in the war

According to Eidman, the Russian dictator would still not mind sending a large number of people to their death in Ukraine.

Putin does not feel sorry for either a million or 10 million. This person is completely devoid of empathy,” said the political scientist.

He added that this became clear even after the tragedy with the Kursk nuclear submarine, which sank on August 12, 2000, along with 118 crew members.

Eidman recalled that in September of the same year, Putin gave an interview to the American broadcaster Larry King. Answering a question about what happened to the submarine, the dictator cynically stated: “She drowned.”

“Putin said this quite calmly, not a single muscle on his face trembled. He does not care about anything. >He can put as much as he wants (in the war against Ukraine – Channel 24),” the political scientist said.

The Kremlin is unable to provide new military personnel

However, according to Eidman, not everything comes down to the desires of the head of the Kremlin.

Putin cannot simply drive the Russians to war with spade handles. “To arm, equip, teach. The Russian army has no resources for all this,” the political scientist noted.

He added that even those 300,000 people who were mobilized in the fall of 2022, the authorities could not provide properly.

“People sat in the fields somewhere in Yakutia, burned fires and ate stew for weeks, which the expiration date has expired. The army leadership was unable to properly form new units, provide them and transport them,” Eidman said.

He added that it is physically impossible to integrate a million people into a real war now.

A new wave of mobilization will cause panic in Russia

As Eidman said, according to the results of many opinion polls, Russians do not support the second wave of mobilization.

“Most people do not want this. Even those who Putin is supported, they believe the stories of Russian propagandists. And so far they say that new forces are not needed. They say, sit quietly,” the sociologist said.

He noted that the Russians were shocked by the first wave of mobilization.< /p>

Igor Eidman

Political scientist, sociologist from Germany

Now the Russians have calmed down a bit. That is, people are no longer afraid that the military commissar will knock on the door and hand over the summons. But if this process starts now, it will be a new wave of panic, much more so than during the first wave of mobilization.

He added that during this time the Russians had time to hear a lot of terrible stories about what a terrible fate awaited those who had already been mobilized.

” There will be no revolution, but there will be panic and chaos in the country”

The political scientist added that if in 2022 1-2 million people flee Russia due to mobilization, now the numbers could be much higher.

Such a situation would be very difficult for Putin. There will be no uprising of the masses, no “October revolution” or “February revolution”. But there will be panic and chaos in the country. Putin is afraid of this and will delay the announcement of mobilization until the last minute, Eidman stressed.

He added that it is unlikely that large-scale mobilization will be announced in Russia in the coming weeks or months. The Kremlin, on the other hand, can conduct a “quiet” call. After all, formally, the September decree of the Russian dictator on mobilization is still in effect.

Mobilization in Russia: in short

  • The Russian side has numerous losses at the front, which is why a second wave of mobilization is taking place in Russia. As military expert Oleg Zhdanov said, the mobilized will probably not be trained, but will immediately be sent to combat missions.
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  • Russia continues to prepare for large-scale mobilization, hoping that this will become its “trump card” Russian opposition journalist Michael Naki suggested that the mobilization is not related to supply of weapons to Ukraine, but there is a way to replace the military, who do not have the motivation to fight.

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