Home » Is NATO preparing to counter threats from Russia: Zilber assessed the actions of its partners

Is NATO preparing to counter threats from Russia: Zilber assessed the actions of its partners

by alex

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The degree of tension in the world is getting higher every day . Leading leaders are already openly declaring that the war in Ukraine is only the beginning of Russian wars.

About this 24 Channelsaid Israeli journalist Zvi Zilber. He noted that the German military is realistically considering scenarios that Russia will attack one of the European countries in 2025.

The world is starting to get real assess the situation

Europe, almost 2 years after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, is beginning to realize the real threat, but many countries still continue to create the appearance that nothing happened.

We see the fact that Europe is not moving towards increasing military production. There are movements in individual countries, but Europe as a political entity does not change its course and does not begin militarization. Europeans still rely on NATO and the United States, Silber said.

At the same time, Poland tightened its law on mobilization. According to which, now if mobilization is announced, failure to appear on the summons will be severely punished. In addition, Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk says that he will be glad to see German soldiers on Polish territory if Berlin is ready to station its garrisons.

This is a definite symptom. I must say that Poland understood everything at first, but for some reason recently began to behave strangely. Boycotts of Ukrainian products and border closures have caused great damage to Ukraine. A warring country has been stabbed in the back, the Israeli journalist emphasized.

Finland is now a NATO member and is preparing for war. Swedish Civil Defense Minister Karl Oskar Bohlin called on citizens to prepare for war. Stockholm has not yet officially joined NATO, but is in the final stages. However, Sweden is not the first country that could be attacked by Russia.

Possible developments

According to one of the voiced scenarios, the first wave may fall on the Baltic countries and Poland. There may be a strike through Belarus. The Russians will try to seize the Suwałki corridor and break through to Kaliningrad.

Publications are increasingly appearing that if Ukraine is allowed to lose in this war, it will be disaster for Europe. “I hope that this will lead to more intensive assistance, in particular, Ukraine will receive the promised 50 billion from the European Union,” Zilber noted. NATO with Russia if the aggressor country attacks one of the Alliance countries, for example Lithuania, Latvia or Estonia. And also, will there be voices in NATO saying that the Alliance will not enter the war, because this will lead to a nuclear war, let Vladimir Putin take the Baltic countries, because they were part of the Soviet Union.

Probable war between NATO and Russia: latest news

  • According to the Prime Minister Estonian Minister Kai Kallas, if Western countries do not help Ukraine win, then the next target of invasion could be a NATO state.
  • The head of the NATO Military Committee, Admiral Rob Baue, said that the era of world order is over and now you should be prepared for anything. He stressed that the world must involve the entire society to counter large-scale threats.
  • According to him, Russia is now trying to restore its potential, given the losses among military equipment. However, sanctions prevent them from replacing lost equipment and producing new ones using modern technologies.

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