Home » Is it possible to transport honey across the border in 2025 – Rules

Is it possible to transport honey across the border in 2025 – Rules

by alex

< img title = "Is it possible to transport honey across the border in 2025 - the rules" width = "632" height = "356" SRC = "https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/28/med-depositphotos-632x356.jpg" class = "Main-Imbnail WP-POST -IMAGE" Alt = "Chi can transport honey through the cordon" srcset = "https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2025/28/med-depositphotos-632x356.jpg 632W, https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/28/med-depositphotos-300x169.jpg 300w, https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2025/28/med-depositphotos-768x432.jpg 768W, https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2025/28/med-depositphotos-200x113.jpg 200w, https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/28/med-depositphotos.jpg 1280W "SIZES =" (MAX-WIDTH: 632PX) 100VW, 632PX " decoding = "async" /> < p >There is a list of products that are strictly forbidden to export outside the country. When crossing the border, employees of the customs service can confiscate them and even impose a fine.

< p > we will find out whether it is possible to transport honey abroad and how many products can be with you – read more in the material of facts ICTV. is it possible to transport honey across the border

< p > according to the rules of the European Union, it is allowed to import food products, but the permissible norms are limited. explanation on the European Commission website states that if a person travels within the EU, then it is allowed to take products that are designed for personal use.

< p > in 2025 the transportation of honey across the border is allowed, but in a limited number.

< h2 > how much honey can be transported across the border

< p > in most countries of the European Union, in particular Poland, < Strong > allowed to import up to 2 kg of honey per person 60 ~/p > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 ~ 62 < p >In addition, it is necessary to provide proper packaging of honey in order to avoid damage during transportation and comply with sanitary standards. For the transportation of the product, preference should be given to hermetic containers.

< p > in some cases the customs authorities may require documents confirming the origin and safety of the product. Therefore, it is advisable to have them with you.

< p > honey is allowed to be transported across the border for personal use. However, these rules may vary depending on the country of purpose. Therefore, before the trip, it is recommended to check the customs rules of a particular country.

< p > so, answering the question < strong > how many honey can be transported across the border, we can say that it is allowed to have up to 2 kg of honey with you. Exceeding the permitted amount of this product can lead to confiscation or a fine (from € 50).

< p > we remind you that in a limited amount you can transport the following products:

< ul > < li > coffee – up to 500 g, tea – up to 100 g per person;

< li > chocolate and chocolate sweets – up to 2 kg of product in non -warmed factory packaging;

< li > fresh vegetables and fruits – up to 2 kg;

< li > caviar – 125 g, fresh fish gutted – up to 20 kg or 1 pc. If weight is more than 20 kg;

< li > cereal – up to 2 kg;

< li > beer – up to 5 l, wine – up to 2 l, strong alcohol – no more than 1 l.

< p >< strong > it is not allowed take milk (including condensed milk, cheeses, dairy products) and meat products (fresh meat, sausages, lard). That is, you cannot have both raw materials and finished products with you.

< p >

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