Home » Iran starts producing weapons-grade uranium

Iran starts producing weapons-grade uranium

by alex

Iran on Monday, January 4, again began producing uranium with enrichment up to 20 percent, which is considered weapons-grade. This was announced by the official representative of the government of the country, Ali Rabia, reports “Interfax”.

“A few minutes ago, the process of producing uranium enriched to 20 percent began at the Fordow enrichment complex,” the official said.

Earlier, Tehran informed the IAEA of its decision to resume uranium enrichment. Prior to that, the country had ratified the law “Strategic measure to lift sanctions” proposed by parliament, which involves the use of new generations of centrifuges within three months: 1,000 IR-2M centrifuges and at least 174 IR-6 centrifuges, with a subsequent increase in their number.

In Israel, such a step by the Iranian authorities was considered a demonstration of their intention to continue developing a military nuclear program. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in his Twitter account assured that the Jewish state will not allow Iran to produce nuclear weapons.

At present, Iran is enriching uranium to a level of 4.5 percent, despite the indicator of 3.67 percent enshrined in the international agreement on the country's nuclear program. Tehran decided to go for such an excess after the United States unilaterally withdrew from the deal in 2018.

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