Home » Iran reports first death from Omicron COVID-19 strain

Iran reports first death from Omicron COVID-19 strain

by alex

In total, more than a thousand cases of Omicron have been confirmed in the country.

Three people have died in Iran from complications of the new Omicron strain of COVID-19.

The Guardian reports this with reference to the Iranian Ministry of Health.

“The number of patients with Omicron in the country has reached 1,162,” said Mohammad Hashemi, spokesman for the Iranian Ministry of Health. “One death each due to Omicron was registered in Tabriz, Ezd and Shehre-Korda, another patient was hospitalized in critical condition in Ahvaz “.

In total, more than 132,000 people have fallen ill with the coronavirus infection in the country most affected in the Middle East since the beginning of the pandemic. On Saturday, 18 more patients died from complications of the disease, the lowest number in 22 months.

This week, Iran lifted entry and exit restrictions from neighboring and some European states, but maintained a ban on entry from France, the UK and eight South African countries.

Meanwhile, American billionaire and Microsoft founder Bill Gates has predicted that the COVID-19 pandemic will subside immediately after the outbreak of the new Omicron strain of the coronavirus.

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