Home ยป Iran has transferred tanks to the border with Karabakh

Iran has transferred tanks to the border with Karabakh

by alex

Iran has deployed T-72M1 and BMP-2 tanks along the border with Nagorno-Karabakh. A military analyst from Malta, Babak Tagway, announced this in his Twitter account.

The journalist noted that the Iranian army held military exercises in Shiraz two days ago. According to Tagway, the country is preparing to create a buffer zone in Nagorno-Karabakh.

Earlier, Iranian advisory council deputy Ahmad Alirezabekhich told Lenta.ru that Iran supports Azerbaijan in the conflict with Armenia, Iranian volunteers are ready to help the Azerbaijani side if it turns to the Islamic Republic. According to the MP, Azerbaijani government officials “carry out the orders of the West and Israel”, hushing up the real position of Iran in the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict.

The conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh) escalated sharply on September 27. Armenia and Azerbaijan accused each other of shelling positions and settlements on the demarcation line. Yerevan claims that 4,000 militants transferred by Turkey from Syria are fighting on the side of Baku.

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