Home » Invaders of the Russian Federation are trying to partially “drag out” the war – Podolyak

Invaders of the Russian Federation are trying to partially “drag out” the war – Podolyak

by alex

Adviser to the head of the President's Office Mikhail Podolyak said that the Russians are trying to transfer the war to a partially “protracted phase” due to too high losses in equipment and personnel and the absence of any significant progress in all directions.

– All this cannot be hidden from his audience. Therefore, the leadership of the Russian Federation is trying to use a different tactic. To drastically reduce the number of losses to an acceptable (from a propaganda point of view) level. And not to receive several hundred dead every day, including commanders of the highest and middle levels,” he clarified.

Podolyak said that the aggressors also have a need to reduce all types of losses and try as much as possible &#8220 ;clear” their rear from disloyal elements – namely, almost 90-95% of the civilian population.

– The Russians are trying to introduce new mandatory elements into their military tactics. There is a partial trenching of Russians on occupied lines, as well as a concentration of forces and means of destruction around our large cities in order to create deliberate thousands of humanitarian disasters in them,” he said.

Mikhail Podolyak called this tactic &# 8220;absolutely cannibalistic” and having clear legal definitions in international law under war crimes and crimes against humanity.

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