Home » Intuition spoke: Lukashenka felt that now is a unique moment to end the war

Intuition spoke: Lukashenka felt that now is a unique moment to end the war

by alex

Alexander Lukashenko, whose army did not join Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, is already looking for ways to back off. He believes that now is the time to end the war.

He made the corresponding statement during an interview, Channel 24 reports. In this matter, the Belarusian dictator relies on an inner voice recommending to finally put an end to the war against Ukraine.

There may not be another chance

According to Lukashenka, a “unique chance” has now arisen. If you use it, you can end the war against Ukraine. Therefore, the dictator is convinced, it is necessary not to miss it. Otherwise, such a case may not fall out. And this should be done as soon as possible.

I see it and intuitively feel it. There may not be another such situation,” Lukashenka stressed.

Lukashenka noted that it is necessary to seize the opportunity until “Russia has developed its economy in full and put it on a war footing.” He believes that so far there is a unique moment.

According to Lukashenka, any conflict in the world someday reaches its logical conclusion. Like, only two questions remain open: how many people will die and for what.

Interestingly, inside the Kremlin officials are divided. Some want to continue the war against Ukraine, others do not.

The split in the Kremlin continues

This was emphasized by the head of the GUR MO Kirill Budanov. According to him, the discord within the Kremlin is due to the fact that officials have realized the deviation of Moscow from the planned course. After all, Russia failed to take Kyiv in three days, or in three months, or in a year.

So there is literally no unity among the top leadership of the aggressor country. Some support the continuation of the bloody war. The other part is waiting for it to be over. Budanov stressed that “the war to the end” is supported by not so many representatives of the ruling elite of Russia.

At the same time, the aggressor country is not ready to say out loud that a loss is inevitable. After all, this can shake the chair both under Putin himself and under his regime. Consequently, the elite, which is against the war, has chosen a position of waiting. She plans to wait until the situation changes.

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