Home » International sponsor of the war: NAPC named a Western company that strengthens the oil industry of the Russian Federation

International sponsor of the war: NAPC named a Western company that strengthens the oil industry of the Russian Federation

by alex

The Irish-American company Weatherford International continues to operate in Russia.

The National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption included in the list of international war sponsors Irish-American manufacturer of oil production equipment Weatherford International, because the company continues to operate in Russia and maintain its production facilities there.

NAPC reported this.

“The oil sector remains strategically important for Russia, because it allows the Russian Federation to use energy resources as a weapon and influence other states. Although sanctions have been imposed on Russia in this area, the Irish-American company Weatherford International continues to operate in Russia, pay millions of US dollars in taxes there and ensure the technological capabilities of the aggressor country in the oil industry. This became the basis for adding the company to the list of international war sponsors,” the message says.

Weatherford International specializes in the production and supply of oil production equipment and provision of services to oil and gas enterprises. It has been working in Russia for 16 years, created more than 2.5 thousand jobs there and maintains service enterprises, bases and mechanical engineering in the Russian Federation.

In the aggressor country, Weatherford is represented through Weatherford Holdings (Rus) LLC, Weatherford LLC and Weatherfort Business Service LLC. In 2022, they together paid more than $15 million in taxes to the aggressor’s budget. USA.

“Among Weatherford's partners in the Russian Federation there is also the notorious oil company Rosneft, which remains the main customer of its services,” reports NAPC.

The company also continues to be an active participant in import and export operations in Russia. In the period from February 24, 2022 to December 31, 2023, it imported goods to Russia for almost $1.5 million. USA. These include materials and spare parts for the oil and gas industry (fittings, valves, shafts, gaskets, plastic products, bearings).

Weatherford intends to continue to fulfill existing contracts and enter into new contracts with customers in Russia.

In its reporting, Weatherford promised to fulfill its contractual obligations taking into account international sanctions.

“The company successfully rebuilt the equipment supply channels after the civilized world imposed sanctions on the Russian Federation, replacing suppliers with Russian or other foreign companies. This demonstrates not only the company's economic and technological support for the aggressor, but also ideological,” they reported in NAPC.

Recall that more than half of the tankers subject to US sanctions have stopped transporting oil from Russia. Western media write about this. We are talking about restrictions introduced in October 2023.

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