Home » Intelligence released the names of 966 military Taman division of the Russian Federation, committing crimes against Ukrainians

Intelligence released the names of 966 military Taman division of the Russian Federation, committing crimes against Ukrainians

by alex

The Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine has published a new list of Russian servicemen who commit crimes against Ukrainians.

According to the report of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense, we are talking about the 1st tank regiment of the 2nd guards Taman motorized rifle division of the Russian Federation.

– The Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine received a list of servicemen of the 1st Tank Regiment of the 2nd Guards Taman Motorized Rifle Division (military unit 58198) who commit war crimes against the people of Ukraine… For the crimes committed against the civilian population of Ukraine, all war criminals will be brought to justice and will be held accountable, — the report notes.

The list as a whole includes 966 people, including representatives of the command:

• Regiment commander – Lieutenant Colonel Denis Lapin ;

• Deputy regiment commander – Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Zolotko;

• Deputy regiment commander for military-political work – Lieutenant Colonel Konstantin Solovey and others.

The full list can be found on the website of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense.

It should be noted that units of the 2nd Taman Guards Motorized Rifle Division are based in the village of Kalininets, Moscow Region.

The history of the division begins in July 1940, when the 127th Rifle Division was formed in Kharkov. Subsequently, this military unit was reformatted several times, until it became the 2nd Guards Motorized Rifle Division.

As Aleksey Arestovich, adviser to the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, reported in early March, the Ukrainian military defeated and captured an elite unit of Russian troops near Kharkov (It was specifically about the Taman division). Captured Russian soldiers from this division subsequently spoke at a briefing.

This is not the first list of Russian military personnel made public by Ukrainian intelligence. Previously, the lists were published: pilots of the 559th Bomber Aviation Regiment of the Russian Federation; 78th brigade of the Russian Federation; 727 separate battalion of marines; personnel of the Aerospace Forces of the Russian Federation, inflicting air strikes on the civilian population and infrastructure of Ukraine.

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