Home » Instagram trend: ornate walls

Instagram trend: ornate walls

by alex

While the museum visit has to wait, the living room becomes an art gallery: this is how the hyped “Art Walls” are created.

When it comes to designing their own four walls, many quickly feel overwhelmed. So many options, so many styles, so high a cost! In just a few simple steps, you can transform a perhaps boring room into a stylish interior dream: with very individually designed picture galleries! So-called art walls are currently very popular, which is also proven by the abundance of providers of framed art prints on the Internet. While you can easily choose from a huge pool of motifs and sizes from providers such as Wall-Art, Desenio, Posterstore and many others, your own snapshots and pictures can also create a coherent overall picture.

Instagram trend: ornate walls

Inspiration and trends

Inspiration can be found en masse on social media and from the respective providers. Whether a color scheme, a certain motto or an art direction is chosen as the basic theme, the only important thing is personal taste. “There really are no rules – building a gallery wall is an opportunity to experiment and find your own personal style,” said Annica Wallin, creative director at Desenio, an online poster store. Nevertheless, some design trends can be observed: “We are seeing an elegant interpretation of the beige trend, influenced by the 60s and 70s, but also very playful and colorful influences,” explains the designer.

Instagram trend: ornate walls

And once the motifs of the pictures have been clarified, the right frame must be found. Wallin: “A light frame makes a picture shine, while a black frame creates contrast. Black frames go great with monochrome photo art. ”Particularly creative people design their own frames and choose one made of natural wood, for example, that can be painted as desired.

Instagram trend: ornate walls

It depends on the dimensions

When it comes to hanging up, a few basic rules apply to make the job easier. “A universal rule is to place the center of the gallery wall approximately three feet from the floor. We recommend a distance between the frames of 5 to 10 centimeters. You can also try hanging them closer together for the look of a solid work of art, ”advises the expert. Of course, individual room conditions must be taken into account. In the old building, the center may have to be adjusted upwards.

Instagram trend: ornate walls

Annica Wallin, Creative Director at Desenio

If the pictures are to hang over the sofa or bed, the respective edge must be taken into account: The lowest hanging frame should end at least 15 centimeters above the sofa. Some providers provide assistance with programs for sketching the art wall. Then visualize this plan on the wall using placeholders and off you go hammering.

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