Home » India is drifting towards the West: what Modi’s visit to Russia showed

India is drifting towards the West: what Modi’s visit to Russia showed

by alex

India is drifting towards the West: what Modi’s visit to Russia showed Melania Golembiowska

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrived in Russia for a visit with Vladimir Putin on July 8th. Despite this, India is trying to support the democratic values ​​of the West.

This opinion 24 Channel said political scientist, chairman of the advocacy and analytical organization Center for Joint Actions Oleg Rybachuk, noting that Modi expressed concern about the attack on the Okhmatdyt children's hospital to the Russian dictator. Another important factor is Russia's cooperation with China. who is the enemy of India.

What Modi's visit to Russia showed

According to the political scientist, in India, presidential elections are carried out only according to democratic norms; there is no threat of usurpation of power. Modi is a representative of a nationalist party that bases its ideology on protecting Hinduism and fighting Muslims. Although a certain section of Indians say that the country is experiencing a decline in democratic values, they still exist.

India has its own understanding of hospitality. Therefore, first Modi hugs Putin, and then at a press conference he says that his heart is breaking because of the murder of innocent children, they talk about the blow to Okhmatdyt. After this, the Russian dictator was confused.

It seems to me that karma overtook the Indian prime minister. They must determine whether there will be huge profits from Russian oil, which is mixed with blood. India has been drifting closer to Western values ​​lately, explained Rybachuk.

The political scientist said that China is the eternal enemy of India, they had no one war. Since Putin and Xi Jinping are now closely cooperating, India is reaching out to the West.

This visit by the Indian Prime Minister was very unfortunate. Better things like this (shelling of a children’s hospital – Channel 24) took place during Orban’s visit to Kyiv, so that he could sit here in the storage facility, look at what was happening in broad daylight in the capital and then go with his impressions to Putin and Xi Jinping,” noted Rybachuk.

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