Home » In Wales, a woman received a water bill in the amount of 16 thousand pounds: what happened

In Wales, a woman received a water bill in the amount of 16 thousand pounds: what happened

by alex

In Wales, a woman received a water bill of 16 thousand pounds (more than 700 thousand hryvnia).

In Wales, a woman received a water bill in the amount of 16 thousand pounds. The numbers on the counter were spinning at an incredible speed.

Lad Bible writes about this.

The 47-year-old woman did what any of us would do – she checked her meter, located on the street near her house. She saw the numbers “spinning at 100 mph.”

“I first knew something was wrong when I was informed by my bank that my monthly direct debit had gone up. After that, an engineer came, said that he was inspecting the area and suggested that there was a leak somewhere. Then I was told that they could not find it, and that my path would probably have to be dug out, ”the mother of two children recalled.

For Claire, however, things were bound to get worse. When she returned from vacation in August, she found a huge hole dug near her property, but they couldn't find a leak.

“We always have credit in our account, but I keep a close eye on bills and usage due to- However, last Tuesday I checked my account and, to my horror, found that I have a debt of 13 thousand pounds, “the woman said.

Later it turned out that there was a mistake. So the consent to the huge amount of debt was erased.

A supplier company representative said that it was an application error that affected a small number of customers.

“We do not expect Sam and Maddie to pay for all gas supplies. All clients with the same error in the application can be sure. that this will not affect their direct debit payments,” the company emphasized.

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