Home » In Ukraine, will stop publishing books by Russian authors

In Ukraine, will stop publishing books by Russian authors

by alex

The National Union of Writers of Ukraine (NSPU) will stop publishing books by authors from those countries that opposed “the territorial integrity of Ukraine” in the UN and other international organizations. This was reported by “Interfax” with reference to the press service of the NSPU.

A list of these countries is provided: Russia, Belarus, Venezuela, Armenia, Zimbabwe, Iran, Cambodia, Kyrgyzstan, China, DPRK, Cuba, Laos, Myanmar, Nicaragua, Serbia, Syria, Sudan. It is noted that the works of “dead classics, as well as those contemporary writers of these countries who publicly support the territorial integrity of Ukraine and condemn the aggression of the Russian Federation” will become an exception and will continue to be published.

In addition, the NSPU decided to stop the practice of holding joint actions (creative evenings, conferences, round tables, and so on) with the diplomatic missions of the above countries. The organization will also require its members not to participate in events organized by representatives of the listed states.

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