Home » In Ukraine, they talked about plans to arrange a new Maidan

In Ukraine, they talked about plans to arrange a new Maidan

by alex

Political scientist Bondarenkov: billions of dollars are required for the new Maidan in Ukraine

Photo: Pixabay

Political analyst Konstantin Bondarenkov said in an interview with Ukraina.ru that a number of people in Ukraine have plans to arrange a new Maidan, but this undertaking is unlikely to be fruitful. He noted that a protest movement of this magnitude is not only a reflection of the emotions of the people, but also a well-planned and well-funded technology that requires huge amounts of money.

“Today I do not see those interested parties who are ready to invest in this kind of technology. That is, there will always be protests, but these are not protests that lead to the overthrow of the regime or serious upheavals. Of course, theoretically, if someone has billions of dollars to spare, then an ordinary protest can be turned into a Maidan, ”the expert said.

He also stressed that protests are completely natural and normal, both in Ukraine and in other countries. However, the movements of those dissatisfied with the Kiev authorities that are taking place in the country will not lead to their overthrow, Bondarenkov summed up.

Earlier, the Kiev political scientist Andrey Golovachev predicted a civil war and the destruction of the state for Ukraine. In his opinion, the accusations of treason, of which there have recently become a lot in the country, are a sign of an imminent split.

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