Home » In the USA, the number of COVID deaths has reached 900 thousand: what is the situation in the country

In the USA, the number of COVID deaths has reached 900 thousand: what is the situation in the country

by alex

Experts believe that by April, the number of coronavirus victims in the United States could reach one million.

In the United States on Friday, February 4, the number of COVID-19-related deaths reached 900 thousand. This happened less than two months after the death rate exceeded 800 thousand.

This is reported by The Associated Press.

“This is an astronomically large number. If you had told most Americans two years ago, when this pandemic was just beginning, that 900,000 Americans would die over the next few years, I think most people would not have believed it,” said Ashish K. Jha, dean of the Brown University School of Public Health.

He complained that most of the deaths occurred after the vaccination started in the country. “We were unable to help people get vaccinated, to fight disinformation, not to politicize it,” Jha continued. —These are the places where we failed as America.”

According to him, by April, the number of victims of coronavirus infection in the country may reach one million.

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, only 64% of the population, or about 212 million Americans, have been fully vaccinated against the coronavirus.

According to the newspaper, the daily increase in new cases of infection has decreased by almost half a million since January. In addition, the number of Americans in the hospital due to COVID-19 has decreased by 15% since mid-January to about 124 thousand people.

Mortality remains high and averages more than 2.4 thousand people per day, which is the highest since last winter. Experts also believe that some deaths from coronavirus were mistakenly attributed to other diseases.

It is indicated that the last 100 thousand deaths are associated with the strains “Delta” and “Omicron”. The latter began to spread rapidly in December and less than a month later became dominant in the United States.

According to Joshua M. Sharfstein, a professor at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, although Omicron causes serious diseases less often than Delta, a huge number of people infected with it contributed to an increase in deaths.

“We are arguing among ourselves about the tools that really save lives. Just the sheer amount of politics and misinformation around vaccines that are surprisingly effective and safe is staggering,” he added.

COVID-19 has become the third leading cause of death in America after heart disease and cancer.

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