Home » In the USA, Great Britain and the EU commented on the cynical blow of the Russians on the port of Odessa

In the USA, Great Britain and the EU commented on the cynical blow of the Russians on the port of Odessa

by alex

The reaction of the world to the attack on the Odessa seaport/Collage of Channel 24

Only on July 22, an agreement was signed in Istanbul to unblock Ukrainian ports for grain exports. Already on the morning of July 23, Russia violated this agreement by attacking the Odessa seaport.


Western countries have already reacted to Russia’s cynical violation of its obligations. Read more about what the EU, Britain and the US said about the rocket attack on Odessa.

This is unacceptable, – US Ambassador to Ukraine

Ambassador Extraordinary of Ukraine to the United States Bridget Brink stressed that Russia’s actions in this way are unacceptable. Moscow attacked Odessa even before a day had passed since the signing of the export agreements.

The Kremlin continues to use food as a weapon. Russia must be held accountable,” Brink said.

Paul Massaro, senior adviser to the US Congress, is also convinced that Russia is always lying. The politician stressed that Moscow would never comply with any agreements. The only way out of the situation is the victory of Ukraine. After that, Ukraine will need to be armed to the teeth so that it can deter the aggressor.

The EU strongly condemned the attack on Odessa

British Ambassador to Ukraine Melinda Simmons also noted that it had not passed 24 hours, when Russia has already violated the agreement it signed. And the EU strongly condemned the rocket attacks on the port.

This once again demonstrates Russia’s complete disregard for international law and obligations,” wrote EU High Representative Josep Borrell.

The reaction of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine to the shelling of the port: briefly

  • The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine noted that such actions of Russia are a spit in the face of Erdogan and the UN Secretary General.
  • Turkey was called in the diplomatic department and the UN to monitor Russia’s fulfillment of its obligations.
  • Meanwhile, UN Secretary General António Guterres stressed that the fulfillment of obligations by Russia, Ukraine, Turkey and the UN is mandatory.


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