Home » In the USA, for refusing to wear a mask on the plane, a passenger was fined 10 thousand dollars

In the USA, for refusing to wear a mask on the plane, a passenger was fined 10 thousand dollars

by alex

The American had to pay a fine of more than ten thousand dollars for refusing to wear a protective mask on the plane. The incident itself occurred back in the winter, on February 27, but only now, after lengthy proceedings, the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) decided to punish the violator.

According to a posting on the FAA website, the man was then flying from Utah to Arizona, and when he sat down, pulled off the mask over his chin. According to the flight attendant, she reminded the passenger seven times that the mask should be on her face during the flight, but the stubborn man pulled it off his nose every time the flight attendant turned her back on him or walked away.

As a result, it all ended in a scandal: the passenger who did not want to put on the mask correctly scolded the girl, while he accused the stewardess of aggressive behavior and touched her. The flight attendant got nervous and burst into tears. The FAA notes that she was scared. In addition, the brawler refused to complete the violation report and provide an identity document.

Recall, as the website kp.ru wrote, in May this year the crew of the A-320 Ural Airlines flying from Moscow to Chita had to urgently land in Yekaterinburg because of an inadequate passenger who asked to “open his stomach”.

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