< IMG SRC = "https://img.tsn.ua/cached/009/tsn-d7721072F5FA17FA16A6DF61 3a75F/Thumbs/1036x648/B6/26/559A9FCFB35A166AF96DFD60AE326B6.JPEG " />< p >< strong > convicted person he chose this death penalty. ~ 60 >~ 60 > 67-year-old Sigmon from the southern rhinoma was executed by the method execution. This is the first such execution in the United States since 2010.
< p > this is reported by the Associated Press.
< p > Sigmon was condemned for the murder of David and Gladys Lark in 2001. The man killed them with a baseball bat when trying to kidnap his ex -girlfriend. After the murder, he abducted her, but the woman managed to escape.< p > execution of 63-year-old Richard Sigmon carried out three volunteers-prisoners with rifles. He was dressed in a black overalls with a hood on his head and a white target with a red eye on his chest.
< p > Sigmon himself chose this method of execution, fearing that an electric chair will “weld it alive”, and a mortal injection will cause the flow of liquid and blood in its lungs and it will choke. < p > < p > before the prison in South Carolin, protesters with posters “Any life is valuable” and “execute justice, not people”.
< p > since 1977 in the United States, only three prisoners were executed through the execution, and all these cases occurred in Utah. The last such execution before the execution of Sigmon took place in 2010.
< p > Recall that in Munich the court sentenced the Russian to a Russian who killed two Ukrainian military by strokes. < p > < h4 > similar topics:
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