Home ยป In the South, the Armed Forces of Ukraine discovered and destroyed an enemy sabotage and reconnaissance group

In the South, the Armed Forces of Ukraine discovered and destroyed an enemy sabotage and reconnaissance group

by alex

Ukrainian military continue to destroy the enemy in the South/Collage of Channel 24

The Ukrainian military continues to effectively resist the enemy in the South. They managed to destroy a sabotage and reconnaissance group in one of the directions.

This is stated in the current code of the General Staff of June 16. It is known that our military managed not only to detect the enemy, but send him to hell.

According to the department, our military effectively carried out work in the direction of Yegorovka – Shevchenko. There they succeeded first to detect the sabotage and reconnaissance group of the occupier. After that, they took it and destroyed it.

The invaders are trying to hold the defense in the South

The General Staff notes that the Russian invaders are doing their best they are trying to hold the lines they occupied earlier. In addition, the enemy seeks to prevent the offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. This is happening immediately in the South Buzh and Tauride directions.

To prevent our military from advancing further, the occupiers open fire on them. At the same time, the Russian invaders are working to improve their engineering facilities near Bezvodny and Ishchenko.

The threat from the Black Sea remains

It should also be noted that the enemy at any time can attack the territory of Ukraine from the Black Sea. There are three carriers of high-precision weapons.

Therefore, in no case ignore the air raid alarms. As soon as the siren sounds, go immediately to the shelter. It could save your life!

In addition, the enemy continues to block civilian shipping. He does this in the Black Sea and Azov maritime operational zones.

Despite the difficult situation at the front, the enemy continues to suffer considerable losses. We are talking about both the personnel of the Russian army and its technical equipment.

About 33 thousand destroyed invaders

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, our military managed to send 32,750 Russian invaders to the next world. Note that this figure is approximate, because it is impossible to calculate the exact losses of the enemy in the zones of active hostilities.

In addition, thousands of enemy vehicles were turned into scrap metal. In particular, 1440 tanks , 3528 armored combat vehicles, 722 artillery systems, 230 multiple launch rocket systems, 97 air defense units, 2485 vehicles and tankers, as well as 55 units of special equipment.

And on the balance of the enemy for 213 aircraft, 179 helicopters , 591 UAVs of the operational-tactical level, 129 cruise missiles and 13 ships less.

Note that the enemy still has a lot of both equipment and military. But we should remember every destroyed invader and disabled combat vehicle brings us closer to victory.

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