Home » In the Kharkiv region, an elevator car with people broke off

In the Kharkiv region, an elevator car with people broke off

by alex

In the Kharkiv region, in the village of Pesochin, in one of the high-rise buildings, an elevator car with people broke and fell.

The cockpit flew off the eighth floor, stopping abruptly several times. Among those who were in it was a child.

& # 8212; The event took place at about 22.30. The 36-year-old man received a bruise of the lumbar spine, he refused hospitalization. The rest were not injured, & # 8212; said the director of the Emergency Medical Center Viktor Zabashta.

The video posted on social networks shows that the elevator stopped below the first floor.

According to the deputy head of the Pesochinsky village head Alexander Podshivalenko, the likely cause of the incident is an overload of the elevator, but the exact cause will later be established by an examination.

– The elevator was traveling at an increased speed, the braking system was activated. People went down below the first floor and left on their own, opening the door from the inside, – said Podshivalenko.

The elevator is not working yet. It was sealed before the examination.

The police opened criminal proceedings on the fact of the fall of the elevator with people. According to law enforcement officers, there were four people in the cabin – a family with a three-year-old child and a man.

& # 8212; It was found that during the movement, the elevator began to descend at a high speed and stopped below the first floor. After about 15 minutes, the family climbed out of the cab on their own. None of them received bodily harm, & # 8212; it is said in the message of the police of the Kharkiv region.

Law enforcers entered the data into the register under Part 1 of Art. 275 (violation of the rules regarding the safe use of industrial products or the safe operation of buildings and structures) of the Criminal Code. The maximum sanction for an article is up to three years of restriction of freedom.

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