Home ยป In the Dnepropetrovsk region, a girl climbed onto a cross near a church for the sake of hype

In the Dnepropetrovsk region, a girl climbed onto a cross near a church for the sake of hype

by alex

< p _ngcontent-sc100="" class="news-annotation">An underage hooligan in the Dnipropetrovsk region decided to catch the hype. To do this, she climbed a cross near the church and took a photo. Now she has become popular and her parents have been held accountable.

It is known that the girl is from Kamensky in the Dnepropetrovsk region. The network scattered her photo on the cross near the church, which pretty much outraged the society.

The girl got the desired hype

According to available information, the minor decided to take a photo on an Orthodox cross near the church in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. It is known that law enforcement officers managed to establish his identity. So the girl will be responsible for what she did.

The girl took a photo on the cross near the church/Telegram photo

The police have already attracted the girl's parentsto administrative responsibility. Law enforcers have drawn up a protocol providing for punishment for failure by parents or persons replacing them to fulfill their duties of raising children.

It is interesting that netizens who know the girl positively about her responded. They noted that the bully has excellent behavior at school and is a good student. And well-being flourishes in her family. So it is not clear what prompted her to do this.

A loud scandal broke out in Kyiv

  • A few days earlier, a loud scandal broke out in the capital. It happened after law enforcement officers detained the driver of the BMW. The man attacked the police officer while his wife was filming the incident.
  • According to reports, the “hero” was detained because he was driving at a speed of 160 kilometers per hour. It was one of a number of violations discovered by law enforcement officers. In particular, they talked about non-observance of a safe distance and interval, as well as the non-use of warning signals when changing lanes.
  • During the arrest, an Instagram blogger ran out of the car and began filming everything. One of the policemen with the back of his hand tried to fence her off from the roadway so that nothing threatened her. Our “hero” reacted extremely inadequately to this, attacking the policeman. And not only rushed, but inflicted bodily harm on him during this.

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