Home » In the Czech Republic, a Ukrainian exploded a firecracker in his ex-wife's vagina

In the Czech Republic, a Ukrainian exploded a firecracker in his ex-wife's vagina

by alex

The woman suffered serious injuries to internal organs.

In the Czech Republic, a 36-year-old Ukrainian exploded a firecracker in his ex-wife’s vagina.

Bild writes about this.

The wife of a Ukrainian, a citizen of Moldova, decided to divorce him and live separately. A woman stopped by her ex to pick up important documents.

Apparently, the man persuaded her to have sex. In the process, he asked his wife to refuse the divorce and return to him, but the woman refused. Outraged by this response, the Ukrainian used force against her.

“He covered his wife's mouth with a cloth and sealed it with tape. Then he tied her hands behind her back. He inserted a firecracker into her genitals and lit it,” the Czech newspaper Meiden quotes the prosecutor.

According to the victim, the man had scared her with a firecracker before, but it never resulted in an explosion.

“I thought it would be the same now. But he took out a lighter, lit a firecracker and blew it up,” the woman said.

After the explosion, instead of immediately seeking help, Alexander took his wife to a hospital in Pilsen, located almost 40 kilometers away, and lied to the doctors that she was injured when she hit her stomach. However, the doctors didn’t believe him and immediately called the police.

The trial is currently underway. The Czech prosecutor's office demands that the Ukrainian be sentenced to 20 years in prison.

It was previously reported that in Poland, farmers “with particular cruelty” killed their worker from Ukraine and then set it on fire.

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