Home » In the collision of two aircraft in the United States seven people were killed

In the collision of two aircraft in the United States seven people were killed

by alex

Seven people died as a result of the collision of two small planes in Alaska (USA), among them — the Deputy of the house of representatives of the state of Harry Knopp. This publication reports the Anchorage Daily News.

The incident occurred near the airport of the city of Soldotna on the Kenai Peninsula Friday morning, July 31. According to the Federal aviation administration of the United States, in the air across the helicopter single-engine De Havilland DHC-2 Beaver with six people on Board, the make and model of the second aircraft is not identified. In the result, six people died at the scene, another died from injuries during transport to the hospital.

Among the dead 67 — year-old Deputy of the local legislature from the Republicans, Harry Knopp, he was the only passenger of the second aircraft. Information about his death confirmed by colleagues of policy. His wife said that he actually flew his plane the tragic morning.

The Federal aviation administration and the national safety Council launched an investigation into the crash.

Earlier in the Brazilian city of Guabiraba, state of Santa Catarina, a light aircraft Kolb Flyer fell to the street, barely missing cars and pedestrians. The incident occurred during a demonstration flight on which insisted the 33-year-old buyer of the aircraft. At a height of over 300 meters the engine stopped and the plane began to lose altitude. During the emergency landing he touched the wire and collapsed on the roadway.

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