Home » In the capital of the Czech Republic there will no longer be a street named after the Soviet Marshal

In the capital of the Czech Republic there will no longer be a street named after the Soviet Marshal

by alex

In Prague, they decided to rename the street named after Marshal Konev.

On Tuesday, On June 21, the council of the Prague-3 district decided to rename the street named after Marshal Ivan Konev located on its administrative territory.

This is reported by iDnes.

For renaming the street named after Soviet commander in 1947, 23 of the 28 members of the district council spoke out, there was no one against, three abstained, and two more did not participate in the vote. Now this decision must be approved by the authorities of the capital of the Czech Republic.

Earlier, on April 3, 2020, a monument to Marshal Konev was demolished in Prague. In this regard, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation opened a criminal case under the article “Desecration of symbols of Russia's military glory, committed in public.” The Czech Foreign Ministry noted that they consider such criminal prosecution by a foreign state to be unacceptable.

Back in 2017, the role of Konev in history was revised in the Czech Republic. In addition to information about the role of the commander in the liberation of Prague in 1945, the plaque of the monument mentions the suppression of the Hungarian uprising of 1956 and preparations for the introduction of Soviet troops into Czechoslovakia in 1968 during the tragic events of the Prague Spring.

Recall that the Russian Embassy in Prague has recently been located on Ukrainian Heroes Street. The corresponding sign was solemnly mounted on Friday, April 22, on a small section of Korunovichnaya Street, which was officially renamed for this.

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