Home ยป In Syria found a home laboratory militants with human organs

In Syria found a home laboratory militants with human organs

by alex

Discovered in the laboratory of capacity

The Syrian military found a hideout of the militants, where they staged the home laboratory and stored human organs. It is reported by the Agency SANA.

The shelter was discovered in the village of El-Gadha in Idlib province. It is noted that it is in an apartment building, where a physician gave a primitive medical laboratory. There were hiding terrorists.

In the same place found a lot of tanks with a solution of chloroform were stored inside human bodies. It is alleged that on the packaging it is written for men and women names, there is found specific lists of people with information about their health. The house also found extremist literature: it is assumed that fighters used it for training and recruitment.

SANA stressed that terrorists in Syria are actually selling human organs is one of the sources of their income. Often in areas controlled by militants, people disappear: perhaps later with them and carry out such operations.

Idlib province is the only Syrian region, most of which is still controlled by the terrorists. On 5 March, the presidents of Russia and Turkey Vladimir Putin and Recep Tayyip Erdogan agreed on a ceasefire in the province: they agreed to the additional Protocol, under which the cessation of all hostilities on the frontline in Idlib and creates a so-called security corridor along the M4. The reason for the talks at the highest level was a sharp aggravation of the situation in Idlib, in January-February Turkey has killed at least 62 soldiers.

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