Home » In Sweden, they said there was no support for NATO’s fulfillment of Russia’s requirements

In Sweden, they said there was no support for NATO’s fulfillment of Russia’s requirements

by alex

Sweden has stated that it is impossible to cooperate with NATO if its expansion is limited

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The commander-in-chief of the Swedish armed forces, Mikael Buden, said that fulfilling Russia’s demands to limit the expansion of NATO would make it impossible for Sweden to cooperate with the alliance. His words are transmitted by TASS with reference to Swedish radio.

“If the world accepts Russian demands to limit NATO, then for the defense of Sweden — in the event of a possible attack — everything will look very gloomy,” said Buden. — If these demands of Russia are implemented, compromises begin, then I understand that I will not be able to cooperate with NATO. With its members or with the organization.”

According to Buden, in this case Sweden will remain without support. “We will always strive to ensure the protection of the country. But when it comes to getting support to cope with a long difficult situation, or to exchange support, then I will not have such an opportunity. My prerequisites for contributing to the security of Sweden are being destroyed,” he concluded.

On December 17, the Russian Foreign Ministry published draft agreements between Moscow and NATO and the United States on security guarantees in Europe. The document says that Washington should not create military bases on the territories of former Soviet countries that are not members of NATO.

EU High Representative for Foreign Policy and Security Josep Borrel called Russia’s conditions “completely unacceptable” and noted that this is a “purely Russian agenda.”

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