Home » In South Korea, fighter jets took to the skies because of a flock of birds, because they mistook them for DPRK drones

In South Korea, fighter jets took to the skies because of a flock of birds, because they mistook them for DPRK drones

by alex

South Korea issued a false alarm due to an “unidentified flying object”. He forced the military of the country to follow an unknown object for several hours, because there was a fear that these were drones from the DPRK.

It is known that after lunch on December 27, the South Korean military discovered an unknown object.

< h2 class="news-subtitle cke-markup">Fighters followed a flock of birds for several hours

It could have been a drone launched from North Korean territory near Ganghwa Island. Since a similar incident occurred the day before involving five drones launched by the DPRK, Seoul decided to raise fighter jets and helicopters to intercept.

In addition, ground units were put on high alert, and messages were sent to residents nearby to call go to a safe place. But after a few hours of patrolling, it turned out that the flying object was a flock of migratory birds. On radar, it was fixed in the same way as drones with a small (up to two meters) wingspan.

Why this happened

As the former deputy head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of South Korea, Choi Hyong-guk, explained, winter is the season when birds migrate in flocks , and military radars recognize them differently than if they were flying alone.

DPRK launched drones

On December 26, DPRK drones flew into the airspace South Korea. To intercept the drones, South Korea launched combat aircraft and attack helicopters into the atmosphere. During the mission, after taking off from the base, the South Korean light attack aircraft KA-1 crashed. Two pilots managed to eject. By the way, the South Korean military says that the accident occurred due to the actions of North Korea.

Subsequently, the South Korean military publicly apologized for the unsuccessful attempt to shoot down the drones of the DPRK. Lieutenant General Kang Shin-chul said that he was sorry that their military, although they found and tracked the drones, could not bring them down.

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