Home » In Russia, two passenger planes did not reach their destination: what happened

In Russia, two passenger planes did not reach their destination: what happened

by alex

The number of aircraft breakdowns in Russian aviation has increased sharply after the introduction of US and EU sanctions due to the war in Ukraine.

Passenger The Boeing-777 aircraft of the Russian airline Aeroflot, flying from Moscow to Guangzhou in China, made an emergency landing in Irkutsk due to a technical malfunction.

This was reported on Sunday, May 12, by The Moscow Times with reference to the East Siberian Transport Prosecutor's Office.

Aeroflot clarified that the aircraft commander decided to land the plane “due to the oil level indicator in one of the engines.” The landing took place as usual, the airline emphasized, but this plane will not continue the flight.

“A reserve plane has been sent from Moscow to continue the flight,” Aeroflot added.

This is the second aviation accident in a week after on May 6, an Airbus A321 of Nordwind Airlines (North Wind), flying from Moscow to Orenburg, gave a distress signal in the air and returned to the departure airport.

He remained in flight for about 40 minutes and reduced the altitude to 3 thousand meters due to depressurization of the pilot's cabin. For a while the plane disappeared from radar.

In general, as the publication notes, the number of incidents in Russia has increased sharply after the introduction of US and EU sanctions due to the war in Ukraine.

In 2023, no less than 74 different aircraft breakdowns in the air were recorded, which is 38 more than in 2022, the German research company Jacdec calculated.

There were almost 10 accidents for every 100,000 flights, up from just five a year earlier, according to an analysis based on data from research firm Cirium.

Such events included cases of engine fires or other failures during flights, landing gear damage during landing, and flap malfunctions leading to deviation from the course.

In 2024, the number of air incidents continued – there were ten in January alone. In the first three months of this year, six airliners suffered engine failures in flight.

We recall that earlier aviation expert and analyst Konstantin Krivolap said that Russian civil aviation has no future, since due to sanctions imposed by Western countries, Russian airline aircraft do not undergo maintenance and there are no spare parts for them.

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