Home » In Russia, told about the US-controlled “animal” submarines

In Russia, told about the US-controlled “animal” submarines

by alex

Nuclear submarine “Vepr”

The 24th “bestial” division of the submarine forces of the Northern Fleet of Russia includes nuclear submarines (nuclear submarines) “Panther”, “Vepr” and “Cheetah” of project 971, capable of discreetly controlling the actions of the US Naval Forces (Navy), says the observer TASS Dmitry Litovkin.

According to the author, the submarines made of ordinary ship rental are distinguished by their low noise, achieved thanks to the machines of the Japanese corporation Toshiba purchased in the 1980s. “Thanks to them, the production of shaft lines and propellers has reached a completely different technological level. In response, the Japanese received sanctions from the US State Department for their inability to trade, ”the observer writes.

Litovkin recalls that in the coming years, the “animals” will gather almost in full. So, in 2021 the nuclear submarine “Leopard” will return to service, in 2022 – “Tiger”, in 2023 – “Wolf”. “The preservation of the grouping of these submarines as part of the Navy significantly expands Russia's capabilities to ensure its own security on long-distance sea communications,” the author writes.

In January, The National Interest magazine wrote that Project 1144 Orlan, the heavy nuclear-powered missile cruiser Admiral Nakhimov, poses a threat to the NATO navies while proving to be an “extremely attractive target, especially for submarines.”

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