Home » In Russia they want to return driver's licenses to military personnel who were confiscated for drunk driving

In Russia they want to return driver's licenses to military personnel who were confiscated for drunk driving

by alex

In Russia they want to return driver's licenses to military personnel who were confiscated for drunk driving Yaroslav Pogonchuk

The Russian military is offered to return their driver's license, even for serious violations/Collage 24 Channel

In Russia, they proposed returning to military personnel driver’s licenses confiscated for drunk driving and accidents with injuries. The Russian government has submitted a corresponding bill to the State Duma.

According to Russian media, the new bill applies to both contract soldiers and mobilized and volunteers. Previously, this need was explained by the fact that there are not enough drivers at the front, reports 24 Channel.

What is known about the new Russian bill

The Russian government has submitted to the State Duma a bill allowing participants in the war in Ukraine to use a driver’s license, which they were deprived of. The corresponding document was published on the parliament website.

The explanatory note notes that the bill concerns contract soldiers, mobilized and volunteers.

The bill would provide for the return of driver's licenses to military personnel who have had their license revoked for violations such as drunk driving or accident with injuries. This measure will allow them to use a car during mobilization, martial law or wartime.

At the same time, the period of deprivation of rights continues to apply during service. If the period ends before the end of service, the driver's license does not need to be returned. Otherwise, the certificate will need to be returned after completion of service.

The document also provides for the possibility of termination of administrative proceedings by traffic violations committed by participants in the war.

How this need is explained

The Russian Federation Council previously explained the need to adopt such amendments by the fact that there are not enough drivers at the front.

At the end of 2023, one of the Russian publications calculated that legal 195 criminal cases, of which 27 concerned traffic violations. According to the publication, at least 11 people died in accidents involving the military through their fault 60~/strong>.

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