Home » In Russia, “hit a hard boomerang” on the United States: 77 Americans were banned from entering

In Russia, “hit a hard boomerang” on the United States: 77 Americans were banned from entering

by alex

In Russia, they are unhappy with the sanctions, which “only benefit the Russian Federation.”

Russia banned the entry of 77 US citizens who support Ukraine in the war against the Russian occupiers. Lavrov's department called this a “hard boomerang”.

Russian media write about this.

Among the 77 US citizens who were banned from entering Russia, there are “governors and individual representatives of the states “. Russian propagandists do not advertise their names.

Also, Russia complained about the sanctions, which, according to the preliminary version of the propagandists, are “only useful to the Russian Federation.”

“Any hostile actions against Russia, including the promotion of the sanctions spiral , will be rebuffed and hit the US itself with a boomerang,” Lavrov's office said.

Recall that the British government has imposed new sanctions against Russia. They apply to enterprises supplying military equipment, as well as to individuals and one organization that financially supports the wealth and power of the Kremlin elites.

Putin's likely mistress, Svetlana Krivorukikh, was also on the list of sanctions.

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