Home » In Russia, a drunk “mobik” beat his commander to death

In Russia, a drunk “mobik” beat his commander to death

by alex

The senior sergeant attacked the captain, who was also called up for mobilization service.

In Russia a drunken conscript beat his commander to death. The incident took place in the Chelyabinsk region.

This is reported by the Russian edition Mgorsk.ru.

It is reported that a drunken senior sergeant in the compartment of a staff car of a military echelon attacked the captain, who was also called up for military service. mobilization. The officer died on the spot from his injuries.

The military court placed the senior sergeant in custody for two months. He faces 5 to 15 years in prison. But knowing the situation in the Russian colonies, where the head of Wagner PMC Yevgeny Prigozhin recruits prisoners en masse, the sergeant can still go to the front, but already as a “Wagnerite”.

Mess in the Russian army

< p>Earlier it was reported that in Yakutsk, a military commissar and security officials were beaten at a discotheque, trying to round up and distribute subpoenas there.

In Kazan, a crowd of angry mobs scolded the general, demanding from his superiors to improve conditions of detention. The general was unable to calm his subordinates and fled the camp.

Mobiki from the Kemerovo region of the Russian Federation complained to the governor about the poor provision, saying that “they only have a tourniquet from medicine.”

It was also reported that the command of the Russian troops hides the causes of death of those mobilized in the war.

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