Home » In Poland, rapeseed was spilled from Ukrainian grain wagons right on the tracks

In Poland, rapeseed was spilled from Ukrainian grain wagons right on the tracks

by alex

"Ukrzaliznytsia" is preparing an appropriate appeal about the incident to the law enforcement agencies of Poland.

In Poland, at the Dorogusk railway station on February 23, unknown persons poured out of two Ukrainian cars – grain carriers of rapeseed heading to Germany.

Ukrzaliznytsia reported this.

The company announced another illegal interference in the operation of railway transport in Poland.

“In the morning, unknown persons at the Dorogusk station opened the hatches of two 1435 mm gauge grain carriers and dumped rapeseed heading to Germany. This cargo, like other agricultural products, was in transit through the territory of Poland,” the message says.

Ukrzaliznytsia is preparing an appeal about the incident to the Polish law enforcement agencies.

Unpunished crimes always return. Military aggression or damaged grain. Criminals must be found and punished immediately so that others are not tempted to repeat them “, said the Minister of Development of Communities, Territories and Infrastructure of Ukraine Alexander Kubrakov.

Recall that the day before, Polish protesting farmers poured grain from Ukrainian wagons onto the tracks. Kubrakov said that this is another political provocation aimed at creating a split between the peoples of Ukraine and Poland.

▶ On the TSN YouTube channel you can watch the video at this link: Polish protesters blocked the railway and spilled grain from the carriage!

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