Home » In Poland, 91 Ukrainians were accused of facilitating illegal migration in 2021

In Poland, 91 Ukrainians were accused of facilitating illegal migration in 2021

by alex

In 2021, the Polish Border Service accused 91 Ukrainian citizens of facilitating illegal migration.

As specified, a total of 422 people fell under this charge, and most of them were Ukrainians.

– Among these people, the majority were citizens of Ukraine – 91 people, Georgia – 56 and Syria – 55, the Border Service said.

According to the Polish agency PAP, since the beginning of the year, the Border Service has recorded about 40,000 attempts to illegally cross the Polish-Belarusian border.

Let us remind you that in autumn the situation on the border of Poland with Belarus worsened due to the migration crisis.

The regime of Alyaksandr Lukashenka was accused of creating it, since the flows of illegal migrants from the Belarusian border are considered to be a method of pressure on the EU.

Illegals have repeatedly tried to break into Poland, but these attempts have been repelled.

Source: Straż Graniczna, PAP

Photo: Straż Graniczna

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