Home » In Poland, 8% of the population are Ukrainians: which cities have the most citizens of Ukraine

In Poland, 8% of the population are Ukrainians: which cities have the most citizens of Ukraine

by alex

In Poland, 8% of the population are Ukrainians.

The majority of Ukrainian citizens live in Rzeszow, they make up 37% of the city's residents.

This is reported by Dziennik Gazeta Prawna.

The Poles analyzed the number of Ukrainian citizens living in Poland by analyzing information from smartphones and data from the PESEL registry, commissioned by the Union of Polish Metropolises.

As of May 2022, 3.37 million Ukrainians lived in Poland. Most of the citizens of Ukraine in Rzeszow – 37% of the total number of residents of the city. However, Polish analysts note that Rzeszow can only be a transit city, from where Ukrainian citizens leave for Europe or other Polish regions.

Portalsamorzadowy.pl notes that from February 24 to July 12, most PESEL numbers were issued to citizens Ukraine in Warsaw – 120 thousand, Wroclaw – 45 thousand numbers, in Krakow – 32 thousand, Poznan – 31 thousand.

The Polish Economic Institute also developed data on PESEL numbers issued to Ukrainians in the counties. It turned out that the majority of Ukrainians live in Grawiecki uyezd — about 86 people per thousand local residents, in Brzezinskiy uyezd — 78, in Novodvorskiy — 77.

“Outside the functional zones of large cities, there is a high density of Ukrainian citizens on border, as well as on the Baltic coast and the western border,” the analysis of the Economic Institute says.

Recall that Poland has announced a boycott of everything Russian and Belarusian.


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