Home » In Odessa, a woman made her little son drink vodka with her and filmed it

In Odessa, a woman made her little son drink vodka with her and filmed it

by alex

A video appeared in social networks where a mother forces her child to drink alcohol, stirring it with juice. The incident took place on the eve of the New Year holidays in Odessa.

A drunk mother started filming her son, who looks like three or four years old. Together they sat in the kitchen, and while the woman drank vodka, the child played with toys.

The footage shows that the boy was not surprised when his mother offered to drink with her. Probably, this was not the first time he had to try alcohol: in response to this the boy said There is vodka, I don’t want.

While the son continued to play, the unfortunate mother refilled his glass baby juice with vodka and made him drink this mixture.

The boy believed his mother's words and took a sip: after that, the child spat out everything he had drunk and started crying. All this time, the woman continued to shoot the video and laughed merrily.

The reaction of social networks was not long in coming: commentators called the would-be mother & # 8220; toxic & # 8221; and urged to contact social services to save his son from such a fate.

Law enforcement officers have not yet commented on the incident.

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