Home » In Montenegro, the waiters of the “Russian Cafe” wear a uniform with the symbol Z

In Montenegro, the waiters of the “Russian Cafe” wear a uniform with the symbol Z

by alex

The Embassy of Ukraine in Montenegro condemned the behavior of the cafe administration

In the capital of Montenegro, Podgorica, employees of the cafe “Ruski Bar” wear work clothes with the symbols of Russian aggression – the Latin letter “Z”.

The Montenegrin portal “Pobjeda” writes about this.

“Military symbol of Russian propaganda , as a sign of support for this country's invasion of Ukraine, the Latin letter “Z”, which is also called the swastika all over the world, has found a place on the uniform of workers (institutions. – Ed.),” the message says.

The publication notes that in Montenegro, which officially supports the EU policy towards Russia, messages are heard that “the events in Ukraine are the consequences of godlessness” and the projection of Montenegro as a “small Ukraine”.

The Embassy of Ukraine in Montenegro condemned the behavior of the cafe administration

This is stated in the statement of the diplomatic institution.

“We are outraged that in the capital of Montenegro one of the catering establishments so boldly and openly supports Russian crimes against Ukraine and the Ukrainian people,” the message says.

The Embassy has sent a note to the relevant Montenegrin authorities and will wait for an official response.

As you know, Montenegro is home to a large Serbian community, which advocates joining Serbia and denies the existence of an independent Montenegrin state and considers Montenegrins an ethnic group of Serbs, and the Montenegrin language is a dialect of Serbian.

Recall that after five months of the war, the Parliament of Montenegro condemned Russia's armed aggression against Ukraine.< /p>

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