< IMG SRC = "https://img.tsn.ua/cached/865/tsn-7D69491ed57b2E0922b41D97A86/THUMBS/1036X648/4E/603E2BDDE9AA42139 63C755C3CC4E.JPEG " />< p >< strong > 16 passengers received injuries of varying severity. 62> on Saturday, February 15, in the morning at about 05:00 on the track R -14 near the village of Chiripchu, Floreshtsky district of Moldova, a traffic accident occurred.
< p > this was reported by the Moldova Police.
< p > according to preliminary data, the driver of a regular bus, which cruised along the Kyiv Kishinev route, did not cope with control on a snowy road, as a result of which the transport turned over and hit the tree. < p > < p > 16 passengers received injuries of varying severity and were hospitalized in hospitals of Floreste and Soroki. < p > “driver, a 35-year-old man, a alcohol passed, the result of which was negative. Other passengers are safe, they were placed in the Florentine police department. The police are investigating all the circumstances of the accident,” the report said in the message .< p > Recall that in Kyiv the driver who has committed a fatal accident under the influence of alcohol and drugs will be judged.
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