Home » In Mexico is forbidden to sell children junk food

In Mexico is forbidden to sell children junk food

by alex

The authorities of the Mexican state Oaxaca forbidden to sell children junk food. This decision was taken in order to combat obesity and diabetes, reports BBC News.

For violation of the new law rely fines, bans on work, and in the case of repeated violations — prison terms. The ban will apply to stores and vending machines in schools. The sellers are protesting against its introduction, however, the author of the project Magali lópez domínguez emphasizes that entrepreneurs are allowed to continue to sell junk food to all, except children.

It is noted that more than 73 percent of Mexico’s population are overweight, and Oaxaca is the first state in the proportion of children with obesity. Mexicans consume more soft drinks per capita than any other nation in the world.

Previously doctors have repeatedly noted that the particular importance of the problem of obesity is on the background of the pandemic coronavirus SARS-CoV-2: probability to die from resulting disease COVID-19 is significantly increased in people with excess weight.

This was in July, and warned Prime Minister Boris Johnson: he said that his government is preparing to restrict both sales and advertising of junk food, and he carefully relieves the weight.

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